Monthly Archives: September 2019

Abraham’s Song; September 15, 2019

The gameboard of Jumanji, with the startline set with several players. I had a knowing of my husband was there at the start line, but the anxiety of jumping into a competitive race took most of my attention.

The first turn took me to a set of doors set 90 degrees from each other, and I grabbed the handle of the door on the right. I had a knowing that my husband took the door on the left, and my time in the maze from the other door only strengthened me to push through to the maze I was going through so that I could get to that second door.

When I made it back to the beginning, I came around the corner and reset to the option of the two doors again. When I tried the the door to my right, it was locked leaving my only option the door to the left. I opened the door and I saw that it was nothing less than a drop into a dark hole. I cautiously put my body in the hole. I braced for the fall, but I was squeezed on all sides like an emergency exit tube that slows you down while you free fall from the top of a building.

I landed in a beautiful apartment. The T.V. was huge and there were two leather Lazyboy recliners and incredible galley kitchen. The apartment was opulent and presidential. My husband was comfortable in the space, in the Lazyboy watching T.V.. I walked behind him to open the blinds and look at the view, but I was shocked and scared to see that there was no back wall! My husband was cool and collected, while I was frustrated he had closed the curtain because it would be easy to lose track that there wasn’t a back wall if the curtain was closed! There was easily over 100 floors down to the ground, the height made me dizzy.

Between the television and the front door, to the left if I were to be sitting in the chairs and watching T.V. was a pond with clear water and goldfish in it. The fish were stunning, with dark orange nose and tails. The water was so clear, nothing like my fishtank, and I loved to watch the fish swim around. The interesting thing was that as the water increased or decreased, the fish that were around the edge were okay to be out of water. The fish would either wait until the water covered them again, or they’d flop into the water. There were so many fish, I couldn’t possibly count them. I took great joy in counting the fish. One of the fish I noticed was attached to a dead, bloating fish by the back fins. I felt strongly that if my husband didn’t separate the two fish, that the live fish would die and I couldn’t bare the thought!

My husband took out his pocketknife and he cut the tail fins of the two fish, the alive one and the dead one. The dead fish was bloated and my husband cut the belly of the fish from gills to tail and it unraveled into a scroll.

The scroll read, “Sing the ‘Song of Abraham’ over the fish”.

I was anxious that if we didn’t get the song fast, we would never get to the next level! I tried to convince my husband to Google the song and have it play over the fish, but he was clear that there were no shortcuts. He was given the notes while he slept or at night and each week he would get a note or a few notes that he would sing over the goldfish. In the meantime, we weren’t able to leave the penthouse apartment. We were to relax and have our every needs met.


It’s incredible to me, how boldly Father has allowed His Spirit to remind me and my family of His promises for us. The goldfish are his promises, and a reminder that although some promises die like that fish did, it wasn’t in vain and came with a strategy after cutting it from the young promise that is still alive. Like the fish that are okay with the water going up or down, the Lord’s promises don’t die based on the emotion and hybernate until the right time for them to swim actively. Like the fish, His promises are too many to count.

This dream teaches me that although I’ve had my obstacles separate of my husband, and there are items that are private in the interpretation, but that I am encouraged to trust my husband, to let him get the notes, understand what’s best for keeping peace with the back wall missing, and not taking shortcuts on the song over the Lord’s promises in our lives.

I am encouraged finally in that like Abraham, not all promises are in our lifetime, but they are profound and transcend all Christians.

An interesting take on the fact that it was a Jumanji game feel, sets the tone that Christians play on a different field, that the spritual realm has real consequences (I could have fallen from that back wall being missing!) but in the end of the Jumanji game, each player if they pass and don’t die, are made new, they’re made back to their original selves, but rather than the mind of a child, carrying the wisdom of age, age and wisdom that only the Father can provide.